Aliyu Mutairu, the shrine operator apprehended by the police in Mobarajo village via Ifewara along Ilesa/Ife express road in Atakumosa-West Government Area of Osun State for alleged felony, possession of criminal charms and fake currency, says he has no regrets of his actions. He has since been granted bail by the Osogbo Magistrate Court.
The accused, through his counsel Wale Idowu told the Court he was not involved in dealing with human parts or any other criminal activities.
Aliyu said he had been in the business for 12 years so he could make ends meet. Before operating a shrine, he was an auto electrician, then motor parts dealer, but was "duped." This is when he decided to take up herbs business, and later, into defrauding unsuspecting persons in Lagos.
According to him, the shrine for which he was arrested and arraigned came into existence in January this year with the procurement of acre of land from one traditional chief in Ile-Ife inside the thick forest of Mobarajo. The traditional chief in his confession later became one of the influential personalities that assisted him in
bringing customers from Lagos, Kaduna and other parts of the country.