Many women do not recognize that they have the power within themselves to live the life they truly desire. Too often, women find themselves forfeiting that inner strength for the counterfeit of an externally driven motivator–the expectations and demands of relationships in their lives.
Relationships affect us in the three primary dimensions of life–the physical, emotional and spiritual realms. When relationships are chaotic, abusive or draining, they infringe on your body, mind and spirit. A friend of mine recently broke up with a man she really cared about after finding out about an affair he was having with someone else. Physically, she began to gain weight and her health became an issue. Mentally, she became depressed and her emotional wellness was affected. Her spiritual life suffered also as she allowed the negativity of her situation to shut out positive spiritual influences and people from her life.
There are 10 fatal mistakes that she made and other women seem to make in relationships that are listed below:
- 1) TRUSTING TOO QUICKLY -Revealing to many intimate details about your life without taking time to assess whether or not this person is worthy of trust can backfire. Real intimacy takes time and cannot be rushed.