Monday, September 16, 2013

SMASHING PHOTOS: Lola Rae At The Davido UK Tour Concert – Is She Or Not?

 Lola Rae with a bun in the oven? Was this a message to us?

You know what they say, pictures don’t lie. Looking back at the pictures from Davido’s UK Tour concert, which was amazing by the way (pictures of the the full concert here), it looks like Ms Lola Rae sent out a subtle message to fans and onlookers considering the amount of times she touched her tummy.
Lola Rae was one of the performing artists at the concert and it appeared she wore this outfit to shield a little bump she might be growing – which is brilliant news as she looks fab anyway.  Her outfit is reminiscent of the disco divas in the 70s/80s – sparkly fringe galore – brilliant for performing.
Check out the pictures below and be the judge – but we can bet our 360nobs behind on it that the pretty little diva is in fact pregnant!.  Looking forward to more fabulous maternity looks from her.   You heard it here first. See more photos below:

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Stunning Lola Rae
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Performing her hit single – looks amazing on stage
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We see you!
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Lola Rae
Lola Rae
Performing with her dancers