is a brave, bright and gorgeous lady. And she is taking Angola by storm. Several days ago, UNAIDS made Angola’s transsexual singer Titica one of its goodwill ambassadors.
Teca Miguel Garcia, born in Luanda adopted her female persona four years ago following a breast enhancement operation in Brazil.
Now, at the age of 26, Titica is the new face of Angola’s unique urban rap-techno fusion music culture called “kuduro”.
Speaking to the BBC last year, Titica confessed that she was overwhelmed with her success.
“Thanks to God, I am very happy, it has taken a while to get here and involved a lot of sacrifice but thanks to God, everything is going well for me.
"I’ve been stoned, I’ve been beaten, and there is a lot of prejudice against me, a lot of people show that. There is a lot of taboo,” she says
Despite that taboo, Titica appears to have no shortage of fans and most seem more interested in her music than in her sexuality.