Monday, November 25, 2013

Dr. Conrad Murray Insists Debbie Rowe Never Slept With Michael Jackson and the 3 children are not his + He Admits To Holding MJ's Penis Every Night!

Conrad Murray got exceptionally weird in a new interview after his release from prison, insisting he didn't kill anyone…

Michael Jackson's former doctor (who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2011) went into TMI territory explaining just how close he and MJ were—after confessing he had nothing to do with the lethal injection of propofol that led to the King Of Pop's ultimate end:

    "You want to know how close we were? I held his penis every night to fit a catheter because he was incontinent at night. He wore dark trousers all the time because after he went to the toilet he would drip for hours. Michael didn't know how to put a condom on, so I had to do it for him."

And Conrad also claimed that MJ's kids have 3 different fathers, and Michael isn't one of them:

    "Michael told me he never slept with Debbie Rowe."

This comment led to a pissed off Debbie revealing her true scary feelings for the fate of the convicted killer!

She fired back at the former Doc's accusations, revealing she'd aid in his assassination:

    "A Jackson fan will shoot him dead, and I'd buy the bullet. I wouldn't shoot him but I'd buy the bullet … a hollow-point."

After explaining how she'd essentially blow his insides out, Deb continued her rage-fueled rant:

    "If I had a dog as ugly as him [Murray] I'd shave its ass, make it walk backwards and put a wig on it. It takes 2 to f**k and there's not enough alcohol in the world. At least I can breed. he can't even write prescriptions anymore."

We have a feeling this lethal war of words isn'y ending anytime soon! Na wa ooooo!!! Wetin we nor go hear?