Monday, April 15, 2013

BOMBSHELL: Nollywood Actor Solomon Akiyesi’s Secret First Wife Revealed- Chief Bridesmaid Speaks Out

A lady who goes by the name of Kate claimed to be the Chief Bridemaid of Solomon Akiyesi’s first wife Ezinne. She was very angry and had many harsh things to say about Actor Solomon Akiyesi. Initially we taught she was referring to Lilian, the wife we all know about.

She said that Lilian was not his first wife. She told us that he was married to her best friend Ezinne. After 2 years of marrying Ezinne, Lilian met Solomon and married him knowing fully well that he was still married to Ezinne.
She said that Ezinne placed a curse on Solomon and Lilian and even said that as long as she was alive, things will not go well for them. Kate believes Lilian destroyed Solomon’s first marriage and she deserves what is happening to her now because she believes that she is reaping what she sowed.