Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Decline In Breast Feeding Causes 830, 000 Deaths Yearly- Report

Photo - Decline In Breast Feeding Causes 830,000 Deaths Yearly - Report

A Non-Governmental Organisation, Save The Children has blamed the annual death of 830, 000 new born babies to the declining level of breast feeding in developing countries including Nigeria.
The organization listed factors responsible for the decline as; Lack of empowerment and education for
women, severe shortages of midwives and health workers in developing countries, lack of adequate maternity legislation and marketing practices by manufacturers of baby milk.
The organization claims that 95 newly born babies die every hour, thats that 830,000 children a year.
However, the organization also said that if new mothers around the world breast feed immediately after giving birth, it will help in kick starting their immune system and if they continue for the next six months, the child is 15 times less likely to die from diseases like pneumonia and diarrhoea.