Thursday, August 8, 2013

Address Me As 'Short Boss' And Get My Anger--Aki Warns

One of the popular Nollywood Aki and Pawpaw stars, Chinedu Ikedieze otherwise known as Aki, has warned a fan on twitter to never address him again as 'shortest boss' because he dislikes being called by that.

The highly celebrated pint-size actor, who got married in 2011 in Lagos to his beautiful wife, showed his displeasure on the way the 'overzealous' fan called him on the popular social media platform.

The fan had tweeted at Aki, "my shortest boss (Aki), I hail you full time." The vividly angry role-interpreter replied, "next time you address me like that, shortx Boss, I'll block you. Be courteous."

Next time you see the 'boss', address him appropriately.