Friday, February 28, 2014

WATCH: President Obama, Joe Biden Jug Round White House In Suit And Tie in 'Let's Move Camaign'

*Obama and Biden

US President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden star in own workout video as they both jog around the White House in suit and tie to raise awareness of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign.
The President and his deputy were filmed 'working out' in between meetings and signing documents to the Superstars TV show theme tune (better known in the US as the Monday Night Footballmusic).
Other than working off the effects of all those State dinners, their aim was to raise more awareness of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign which tackles child obesity.
According to the video, the pair were persuaded to get their sweat on "in response to the overwhelming number of people around the country who showed us how they move using the hashtag #LetsMove".
First Lady Michelle Obama set up the let's Move campaign four years ago to tackle the problem of obesity among American children and to help them lead a healthy life.
Watch the video below: