Monday, July 21, 2014

Even pastors’ marriages break up… not only actresses’ — Yemi Terry

Yemi Isidahomen, known in the entertainment circles as Yemi Terry, is a Nollywood actress and producer. The Accounting graduate of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago -Iwoye, whose latest work Posh will be released tomorrow,

Talking about role model, she said “Everyone around me, everyone in the industry. Be it producers, directors, actors and so on. They all inspire me either directly or indirectly”.

On Why some actresses’ marriages fail:
If any marriage works, it has nothing to do with your job. Even pastors’ marriages break. Our profession has nothing to do with our marriage. It is all about the parties involved and the choices they made. Being wayward really has nothing to do with the people around you or where you are. It is your choice and whether you do it are  money or pleasure, whether. You are lured or willing, it is still your decision. So, don’t judge everyone based on assumptions. You can never tell.