Thursday, August 28, 2014

Can You Tell What’s Wrong With this Photo?

This photo and caption posted by a mum on Instagram has gone viral.
Can you tell what is wrong with it?
It’s times like this, we recall why Samuel L. Jackson lashed out at a reporter on national television, saying “We do not all look alike.” Samuel was called Laurence Fishburne.
When the photo started to circulate online, with some accusing the mum of thinking all black people look the same, she defended the post;

Victoria Hansen - August 2014 - 01
(Reply edited, original can be seen above)
“OK so everyone has to know the story real quick before judging. My son is one of THE most amazing men you will meet. I was not on this flight. My son has been flying coastal for years by himself. He called me all excited from his layover saying he just met Oprah.
I was skeptical but he told me the story this lady told him. Of course even though I didn’t think it looked like her I was like why would a pilot and flight staff lie to a young kid? I quickly took the photo down once I realized they had pulled a fast one on him and I’m quite sure it was all in jest and did not mean to cause harm, however I do think it’s not okay to impersonate someone and tell them you are doing an article for O mag and that they could come up front to take a pick with you. smh.
We just laugh it off now as it was an honest mistake imposed on him by someone who thought it funny to prank a kid.”