Thursday, February 7, 2013

Son Sends 68-Year Old Mom To Prison

Son Sends 68-Year Old Mom To Prison

A 68-year old woman, Madam Silifat Abeni, broke down and wept at Ijeshatedo Magistrate’s Court, Lagos State, Southwest Nigeria, as she was being taken to  Kirikiri prison because she could not meet her N10,000 bail condition.

The elderly woman was arrested and charged before Ijeshatedo Magistrate’s Court after she went to Ijesha police division and stood as surety for her son, Kunle.

P.M.NEWS gathered that after Kunle was released from the station, he escaped and since then his mother has not seen him.

Kunle, 38, allegedly defrauded a woman identified as Prisca of N145, 000 under a false pretence and the matter was reported to the police.

He was arrested and detained at the station while investigation continued.

While in detention his aged mother went to the police and stood as surety for him.

She promised to produce Kunle any time the police wanted him.

She also promised that, she would ensure that the victim was given her money back.

P.M.NEWS gathered that the police released Kunle to her because of her age.

However, all the promises she made were not fullfilled, not even the N45,000 was returned to the complainant.

To worsen the matter, the son relocated to unknown place without telling her.

When police asked her to produce Kunle as she promised, she told the police that she did not know his whereabouts, adding that she was also looking for him. After the woman failed to produce Kunle, the police arrested her and charged her to court on a one count charge of perversion of justice by assisting a suspect to escape.

She pleaded not guilty.

The presiding Magistrate, Mrs A.Ogbajumo granted her bail in the sum of N10,000 with one surety in like sum.

The woman was remanded in prison custody because none of her children and relation came to bail her. The matter was adjourned till 13 March 2013.